Thursday, May 29, 2008

Goodbye BPA

For weeks and weeks and weeks, like since before Christmas, I have been saying that I need to replace my pretty pink Nalgene bottle with a stainless steel bottle. Apparently the trek to the outdoors store is just not something I'm motivated to do. But it was Alex's birthday and I decided he too needed something to replace his Nalgene.

And I found this awesome SIGG bottle at the local outdoors store. Now, it's aluminum, not stainless steel, but that's okay. And it has a great screw in lid that doesn't leak and is easy to attach to a carabiner and best of all, since Alex and I both carry our bottle with us most of the time and we both have the same kind of bag, it fits. It fits in the shoulder bag! Yay! And since I was getting Alex one, I had to get a pretty purple one for myself too (that really is purple, not blue). You know how it is!

UPDATE: Friday, May 30 - I was a bit late with my daily blog reading yesterday (which means it got done this morning), but it looks like I'm not the only one who loves her new SIGG!


1 comment:

Helen said...

We love SIGG bottles too. A certain young man even has his own Thomas the tank engine one!!