Happy New Year! The new year appears to have brought some beautiful weather to Vancouver. But it didn't bring some much hoped for sleep to our house. We've already been up for almost three hours.
J slept in yesterday until almost 9:00, but there was no such luck today. She was up and ready to party at just after 5:00. And she didn't stop singing last night until just after 10:00...the first day of 2011 looks like it might be a long day.
When I went in to her, I was hoping she just needed a blanket, but no, she was sitting up, saying "Mommy, I awake. I get out and play." Hopefully, I took her into our bed thinking, maybe, just maybe she might go back to sleep. But no, she didn't. Instead she nailed both of us in the ribs with her bony elbows and knees, took the covers off everyone because *she* was too hot, and tried to start a group medley of "special songs" (aka Christmas songs).
I gave up at 6:00 and judging by Facebook, a number of my friends and family were just opening their front doors at 6:00 after an evening (and early morning) of celebration.
I'm old. And just to prove it, I'm looking forward to a nap this afternoon when J has her nap...a nap with no kid in my bed.