Sunday, March 11, 2007


Late this afternoon we were minding our own business. I was writing some cards and Alex was doing some laundry and then, all of a sudden, the house was silent...and DARK...not too dark because the time changed this morning, but still, dark...

The entire house went dark, so we pulled out the radio with batteries and listened, but there was nothing about the power being out in our neighbourhood. Then I went out in the pouring rain and discovered ALL of our neighbours had their lights on. seemed a little strange that the whole house was out, so just in case it was a Hydro problem I called Hydro. It wasn't, but I'm glad I called because the nice lady told me how to get everything back on without blowing up the fuse box.

Of course the fuse box in not in our suite, K, our landlady, had gone out for the evening, and R, the downstairs neighbour in whose suite the fuse box resides, was also out. So we waited. And waited. All the while I was calling K.'s cell phone every few minutes and letting it ring and ring. The house started to get cold, so we dug out the fleece blankets and cozied up to listen to the Canucks lose to Anaheim. When it got really dark, I broke out the candles. The living room was actually fairly warm and quite light...might have had something to do with 25 candles I lit...good thing the smoke detector is wired into the house and couldn't start ringing!

Anyway, five hours after the ordeal started, R. came home and the two of use spent fifteen minutes trying to get the breakers all sorted out...we were about to give up and call Hydro again when we heard the furnace kick in! YAY!!!

Once again I am reminded how dependent we have become on electricity...we were about to play a round of Yahtzee while we waited because we couldn't do laundry or dishes or use the computer or cook...I think it would do us good to move into an electricity-free cabin the middle of nowhere for a while to prove to ourselves we really can cope ;)


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