Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Finger, Toes, Hamstrings, Grrr

Over there in blog land, you'll see I was lamenting my missing abdominal muscles. Over here, you can see how pathetically tight my hamstrings are.

That is the closest I've come to touching my toes since before puberty I think. When I first started physio in February, I could barely get to my knees (okay, so that wasn't entirely because of my hamstrings), but now I'm closer to my ankles.

My hamstrings are so tight and I am so inflexible. Apparently it runs in the family. My Dad and sister are just as inflexible as I am. One time I went to the gym for an assessment and one of the things they tested was my flexibility. I warned her that I was extremely inflexible, which she just laughed off with an "everyone says that" comment. HA! I got her, she thought I was kidding when I said I couldn't push the little shuttle thing any further. I was the most inflexible person she'd ever tested. I don't want to be the most inflexible...

I know I may never touch my toes, but that's my goal. I have a good half hour of stretches to do every morning and I hope that one day I'll be able to get down to my toes again.


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