Saturday, April 7, 2007

Uh Oh, Shannon Got A New Toy

070407 toy. Until now I've been using a Canon PowerShot A400, but today we went and bought the camera I've been coveting for months, the Canon PowerShot G7. I love my little A400, but it has limited capabilities. The G7 makes me happy. The A400 isn't going away just yet. One day I'll get a DSLR, but alas, this time it was not to be...that doesn't mean I'm not REALLY EXCITED about my new camera though! Gotta go open the box and start trying it out now...not sure how excited Alex is about the new might mean it will be more omnipresent than the old one!


1 comment:

Professor Howdy said...

Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!